Chat History

{FPL}Kris: ja ide na fpl serwer tam tezmoe sobie zabarykadowanych zreobic

jl connected to the server.

{FPL}Kris: ja ide na fpl serwer tam tezmoe sobie zabarykadowanych zreobic

{FPL}Kris: ten mod nie dziala dobrze

{FPL}Kris connected to the server.

Birb connected to the server.

jl: pewnie bug

Birb: i played whole round in 999 ping!

{FPL}Kris: nie wiem

jl: czemu

Next Map: The Wolcott Projects in Barricaded Suspects.

{FPL}Kris: nie moge sie ruszac

Player of the round: jl

Most ammo fired: jl - 208

Highest accuracy: Birb - 15%

Highest score: jl - 20

Highest kill streak: jl - 6

Suspects won the Round

Round Ended!

{FPL}Kris: xd

Birb killed {FPL}Kris with a 9mm SMG!

Kill Streak Reward: Birb's Ammo Refilled.

Birb killed {FPL}Kris with a Colt Python!

jl: yes

jl voted Yes! (0 more votes needed)

Vote to Set Gravity to Zero Gravity Passed! Changing Gravity to Zero Gravity.

Birb started a Vote to Set Gravity to Zero Gravity. Vote by typing Yes or No in Chat.

Birb voted Yes! (1 more votes needed)

jl killed {FPL}Kris with a 9mm SMG!

Birb killed {FPL}Kris with a 9mm SMG!

{FPL}Kris neutralized Birb with a Colt M4A1 Carbine!

{FPL}Kris neutralized jl with a Colt M4A1 Carbine!

jl killed {FPL}Kris with a 9mm SMG!

Birb switched teams.

Birb switched teams.

jl: lol

jl killed {FPL}Kris with a 9mm SMG!

jl: xd

Birb killed {FPL}Kris with a 9mm SMG!

Birb made a 4 kills streak.

{FPL}Kris neutralized jl with a Colt M4A1 Carbine!

Birb stung {FPL}Kris with a Stinger!

jl killed {FPL}Kris with a 9mm SMG!

Birb killed {FPL}Kris with a 9mm SMG!

{FPL}Kris neutralized jl with a Colt M4A1 Carbine!

Birb self-stung with a Stinger!

{FPL}Kris stung Birb with a Stinger!

Audio <Owner>: lol

jl killed {FPL}Kris with a 9mm SMG!

Birb: 999 ping isn't that bad

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