Chat History

jl made a 4 kills streak.

{FPL}Kris neutralized Birb with a Colt M4A1 Carbine!

jl killed chelo with a 9mm SMG!

jl killed chelo with a 9mm SMG!

chelo stung Birb with a Stinger!

jl killed {FPL}Kris with a 9mm SMG!

Birb: yep

{FPL}Kris neutralized Birb with a Colt M4A1 Carbine!

jl: we can play normal now

chelo switched teams.

Zip! {FPL}Kris made the first arrest.

{FPL}Kris arrested Birb!

jl: chelo switch

{FPL}Kris is arresting Birb...

jl switched teams.

{FPL}Kris tased Birb with a Taser Stun Gun!

chelo connected to the server.

{FPL}Kris flashed Birb with a Flashbang!

jl neutralized Birb with a Colt Python!

{FPL}Kris team gassed jl with a CS Gas!

Birb killed {FPL}Kris with a Colt Python!

jl: damn

jl neutralized Birb with a Colt Python!

Birb killed {FPL}Kris with a Colt Python!

Birb killed jl with a Colt Python!

jl neutralized Birb with a Colt Python!

jl neutralized Birb with a Colt Python!

{FPL}Kris connected to the server.

Birb killed jl with a Colt Python!

jl neutralized Birb with a Colt Python!

Birb: yep i suck with this ping now

jl neutralized Birb with a Colt Python!

Audio <Leader>: You will be able to run around the map 37 times before your gun actually shoots lol

jl neutralized Birb with a Colt Python!

BANG! jl made the first kill.

jl: 1337 suits u more

Birb: i'm gonna play in 999 ping

jl: andrew tate approves

Audio <Leader>: He had to open his mouth lol

jl: you entered matrix

Round Ended!

Suspects won the Round

Most kills: Birb - 12

Highest score: Birb - 12

Highest kill streak: Birb - 5

Player of the round: Birb

Highest accuracy: jl - 22%

Birb: what about now!

jl neutralized Birb with a Colt Python!

jl: yyou're the server now

54443 matching chats found.