Chat History

Zip! BlckBrd made the first arrest.

BlckBrd arrested FRITEE!



BlckBrd is arresting FRITEE...

BlckBrd breached the GreenRoom - MainStage Door!

BlckBrd breached the SmallStage - EntranceHall Door!

BlckBrd breached the EntranceHall - Entrance Door!

FRITEE: hello

BlackBird: Hi FRITEE.

Round Ended!

Most ammo fired: BlackBrd - 125

Player of the round: BlackBrd

Highest accuracy: BlckBrd and 2 more - 0%

Highest score: FRITEE and 2 more - 0

Highest kill streak: BlckBrd and 2 more - 0

BlckBrd: hi

BlckBrd: i

FRITEE connected to the server.

Position: #30 - Score: 143 - Rank: Reserve Officer

Position: #30 - Score: 143 - Rank: Reserve Officer

Aka: K, KkK, BlackBird

Position: #11 - Score: 200 - Rank: Reserve Officer

Aka: K, KkK, BlackBird

Position: #11 - Score: 200 - Rank: Reserve Officer

BlckBrd connected to the server.

BlackBrd disconnected from the server.

BlackBird kicked BlackBrd for idling.

BlackBrd went into Idle Mode (AFK).

BlackBrd went into Idle Mode (AFK).

BlackBrd breached the MainBar - MainStage Door!

BlackBrd breached the SmallStage - EntranceHall Door!

BlackBrd breached the BathroomHall - Merch Door!

BlackBrd breached the TicketBooth1 - EntranceHall Door!

BlackBrd switched teams.

BlackBrd switched teams.

BlackBrd connected to the server.

Next Map: A-Bomb Nightclub in Barricaded Suspects.

Round Ended!

Most ammo fired: BlackBrd - 100

Highest score: BlackBrd and 2 more - 0

Highest kill streak: BlackBrd and 2 more - 0

Highest accuracy: FRITEE and 2 more - 0%

Player of the round: BlackBrd

BlackBrd breached the HallwayLevel1 - DiningRoom Door!

BlackBrd connected to the server.

BlackBrd disconnected from the server.

BlackBird kicked BlackBrd for idling.

53833 matching chats found.