Chat History
Player of the round: Video(VIEW)
Best long range kill: Video(VIEW) - 0m
Highest score: Video(VIEW) - 0
Highest kill streak: Video(VIEW) - 0
Highest accuracy: Video(VIEW) - 0%
Video(VIEW) connected to the server.
Video(VIEW) joined the spectators.
Highest kill streak: Video(VIEW) - 0
Highest accuracy: Video(VIEW) - 0%
BlackBird updated the server settings.
Highest score: Video(VIEW) - 0
Most ammo fired: Video(VIEW) - 0
Round Ended!
Player of the round: Video(VIEW)
BlackBird updated the server settings.
Player of the round: Video(VIEW)
Highest score: Video(VIEW) - 0
Round Ended!
Video(VIEW) voted Yes! (0 more votes needed)
Vote to Change Map to Food Wall Restaurant Passed!
Changing Map to Food Wall Restaurant.
Highest accuracy: Video(VIEW) - 0%
Best long range kill: Video(VIEW) - 0m
Video(VIEW) started a Vote to Change Map to Food Wall Restaurant. Vote by typing Yes or No in Chat.
Highest kill streak: Video(VIEW) - 0
Video(VIEW) connected to the server.
Video(VIEW) joined the spectators.
Round Ended!
Player of the round: Video(VIEW)
Highest score: Video(VIEW) - 0
Highest accuracy: Video(VIEW) - 0%
Best long range kill: Video(VIEW) - 0m
Highest kill streak: Video(VIEW) - 0
Video(VIEW) changed name to Video.
Video(VIEW) updated the server settings.
BlackBird updated the server settings.
Video(VIEW) connected to the server.
Video(VIEW) joined the spectators.
Round Ended!
Highest score: Video(VIEW) - 0
Player of the round: Video(VIEW)
Highest kill streak: Video(VIEW) - 0
Highest accuracy: Video(VIEW) - 0%
Most kills: Video(VIEW) - 0
Video(VIEW) changed name to Video.
Video(VIEW) updated the server settings.
BlackBird updated the server settings.
Video(VIEW) changed name to Video.
Video joined the spectators.
Video connected to the server.