Chat History

BlckBrd neutralized Audio with a Colt Python! («Headshot»)°

BlckBrd: hh

BlckBrd neutralized Audio with a Colt Python! («Headshot»)°

Audio killed BlckBrd with a 9mm Handgun!

BlckBrd neutralized Audio with a 9mm SMG! («Headshot»)°

BlckBrd neutralized Audio with a 9mm SMG! («Headshot»)°

Audio killed BlckBrd with a 9mm Handgun!

BlckBrd neutralized Audio with a 9mm SMG! («Headshot»)°

BlckBrd neutralized Audio with a 9mm SMG! («Headshot»)°

BlckBrd neutralized Audio with a 9mm SMG!

BlckBrd: i still dont understand those pings

Audio killed BlckBrd with a 9mm Handgun!

BlckBrd neutralized Audio with a 9mm SMG! («Headshot»)°

Audio breached the RearStairwell - HallwayLevel1 Door!

Audio breached the Apt2Bedroom - HallwayLevel1 Door!

Audio breached the HallwayLevel1 - FrontStairwell Door!

BANG! Audio made the first kill.

Audio killed BlckBrd with a 9mm Handgun!

BlckBrd breached the Apt1Bedroom - Apt1Kitchen Door!

BlckBrd breached the Apt1LivingRoom - Apt1Kitchen Door!

BlckBrd breached the Apt1LivingRoom - HallwayLevel1 Door!

BlckBrd breached the HallwayLevel1 - ExteriorFrontDoor Door!

Audio connected to the server.

Position: #2 - Score: 2351 - Rank: Sergeant

Position: #2 - Score: 2351 - Rank: Sergeant

BlckBrd connected to the server.

Position: #38 - Score: 99 - Rank: Reserve Officer

Aka: K, KkK, BlackBird

Aka: K, KkK, BlackBird

Position: #38 - Score: 99 - Rank: Reserve Officer

Kill Streak Reward: BlckBrd's Health Healed.

BlckBrd killed Audio with a 9mm SMG!

Audio: hmm

Audio neutralized BlckBrd with a 9mm SMG!

BlckBrd killed Audio with a 9mm SMG!

BlckBrd killed Audio with a 9mm SMG! («Headshot»)°

BlckBrd killed Audio with a 9mm SMG!

Audio neutralized BlckBrd with a 9mm SMG!

BlckBrd killed Audio with a 9mm SMG! («Headshot»)°

Audio: see if that was what was causing it

Audio: do some headshots I guess

BlckBrd: now it doesnt crash wth

Audio arrested BlckBrd!

Audio is arresting BlckBrd...

BlckBrd: h

Audio tased BlckBrd with a Taser Stun Gun!

BlckBrd arrested Audio!

BlckBrd: hh

53869 matching chats found.