Chat History
Most ammo fired: Audio(VIEW) - 45
Highest score: Audio(VIEW) - 2
Highest accuracy: jl(VIEW) and 2 more - 0%
Highest kill streak: Video and 1 more - 1
Player of the round: Audio(VIEW)
Audio(VIEW): ill be back in a bit.
jl(VIEW): but i just dont like this no armor arrest speed abuse
Audio(VIEW): ill test it out when I get back from lunch and see what works
jl(VIEW): tbh tss is more preferable, works smoother than 1.1
jl(VIEW): only 1.0 and 1.1
Audio(VIEW): no idea
jl(VIEW): probably not configured for tss
Audio joined the spectators.
Audio: ill have to set a server up and test it I guess
Audio: we are not sure if this mod works on tss or not
jl(VIEW): bs, ppl just switched to tss
jl(VIEW): 1.1 they like vip more
Audio: seems like more players on TSS than 1.1
Audio: we had it going pretty good yesterday
jl(VIEW): yesterday was good
jl(VIEW): no players
jl(VIEW): another day
Video disconnected from the server.
Video: c ya later
Video: ok i must go now
Video self-stung with a Grenade Launcher!
Video stung Audio with a Grenade Launcher!
Video neutralized Audio with a Grenade Explosion!
Video: after 5 shoots launcher need to cool down 5 sec
Audio killed Video with a Grenade Explosion!
Audio stung Video with a Grenade Launcher!
jl(VIEW): if u increase its firerate probably
jl(VIEW): i mean it shoots pretty slowly
Video: :D
Audio: haha
Audio self-stung with a Grenade Launcher!
Audio stung Video with a Grenade Launcher!
Audio suicided!
Audio killed Video with a Grenade Explosion!
BANG! Audio made the first kill.
Audio: seems it can handle it
Video: ok u first
Video: there
Video: shoot*
Video: ok shiit
Video: near truck
Video: go on open place
Video: yes
Video voted Yes! (0 more votes needed)
Vote to Play Grenade Launcher only mode Passed! Initializing Grenade Launcher only mode...