Chat History
Player122: up
MeZaLoN killed Donut with a Colt M4A1 Carbine!
MeZaLoN killed Player122 with a Colt M4A1 Carbine!
Player122 neutralized LegPro with a Colt M4A1 Carbine!
MeZaLoN killed GaLBy with a Colt M4A1 Carbine!
LegPro stung Donut with a Stinger!
LegPro stung Player122 with a Stinger!
GaLBy neutralized TITAN with a 9mm SMG!
TITAN is arresting 78A34...
GaLBy neutralized MeZaLoN with a 9mm SMG!
MeZaLoN killed Donut with a Colt M4A1 Carbine!
TITAN tased 78A34 with a Taser Stun Gun!
MeZaLoN killed Player122 with a Colt M4A1 Carbine!
Kill Streak Reward: TITAN's Ammo Refilled.
78A34 neutralized LegPro with a Suppressed 9mm SMG!
LegPro stung GaLBy with a Stinger!
LegPro stung Player122 with a Stinger!
Player122 neutralized MeZaLoN with a Colt M4A1 Carbine!
Donut: sry
LegPro stung Donut with a Stinger!
Donut stung MeZaLoN with a Stinger!
Donut team stung GaLBy with a Stinger!
GaLBy neutralized LegPro with a 9mm SMG!
LegPro killed Donut with a 9mm SMG!
LegPro: s
LegPro double crossed TITAN with a 9mm SMG!
LegPro killed Player122 with a 9mm SMG!
Player122 neutralized TITAN with a Colt M4A1 Carbine!
TITAN killed Donut with a AK-47 Machinegun!
TITAN killed 78A34 with a AK-47 Machinegun!
Player122 neutralized TITAN with a Colt M4A1 Carbine!
Player122 neutralized MeZaLoN with a Colt M4A1 Carbine!
MeZaLoN killed GaLBy with a Colt M4A1 Carbine!
TITAN killed Donut with a AK-47 Machinegun!
MeZaLoN killed 78A34 with a Colt M4A1 Carbine!
MeZaLoN killed Player122 with a Colt M4A1 Carbine!
Player12 disconnected from the server.
LegPro killed 78A34 with a 9mm SMG!
Player122 switched teams.
Player12 went into Idle Mode (AFK).
GaLBy neutralized MeZaLoN with a 9mm SMG!
TITAN killed 78A34 with a AK-47 Machinegun!
Player12 connected to the server.
Player12 changed name to Player122.
GaLBy neutralized LegPro with a 9mm SMG!
MeZaLoN killed GaLBy with a Colt M4A1 Carbine!
GaLBy neutralized TITAN with a 9mm SMG!
MeZaLoN killed Player12 with a Colt M4A1 Carbine!
TITAN killed Donut with a AK-47 Machinegun!
TITAN stung GaLBy with a Stinger!