Chat History

jl: i cant kill anyone

jl: there

snuupduhh: na

jl: back window in box?

jl: like u know

snuupduhh: D

jl: epic sucks

jl: here yes

snuupduhh: game

jl: what is

snuupduhh: smooth

snuupduhh tased jl with a Taser Stun Gun!

snuupduhh: dmn why don't u donate me, than i donate to the srvr

jl: last time i did i got scammed by ron

jl: i dont ever donate to anytthing

snuupduhh: why not xd

jl: i dont think i will

snuupduhh: are u donating for the server ? xd3

snuupduhh breached the Apt1Bedroom - Apt1Bathroom Door!

snuupduhh breached the Apt1Bedroom - Apt1Kitchen Door!

snuupduhh: y

jl: but boring cuz 1v1 all time

jl: good

snuupduhh: how;s the game going x

snuupduhh: sup

jl: yy

snuupduhh: kinz ?

snuupduhh: yo

jl: yo snoop

BlackBird: Hello jl.

jl connected to the server.

Aka: jl2, 009

Position: #1 - Score: 2248 - Rank: Lieutenant

Aka: jl2, 009

Position: #1 - Score: 2248 - Rank: Lieutenant

snuupduhh connected to the server.

jl: ok cu

Audio: need to replace battery in my dads jeep

Audio: okay i gotta run for a bit

Next Map: The Wolcott Projects in Barricaded Suspects.

Round Ended!

Suspects won the Round

Player of the round: jl

Highest kill streak: jl - 5

Most ammo fired: jl - 256

Highest score: jl - 12

Highest accuracy: jl - 10%

Kill Streak Reward: Audio's Health Healed.

Audio neutralized jl with a 9mm SMG!

Audio neutralized jl with a 9mm SMG!

51675 matching chats found.