Chat History

GamerZHubert is arresting RIP...

GamerZHubert tased RIP with a Taser Stun Gun!

GamerZHubert killed jl with a 9mm SMG!

jl is arresting t00elitte...

jl tased t00elitte with a Taser Stun Gun!

Kill Streak Reward: jl's Ammo Refilled.

t00elitte stung RIP with a Stinger!

t00elitte self-stung with a Stinger!

fsociety: 2 box

RIP neutralized fsociety with a Colt M4A1 Carbine!

RIP stung fsociety with a Stinger!

fsociety stung jl with a Stinger!

jl arrested GamerZHubert!

jl is arresting GamerZHubert...

jl stung GamerZHubert with a Stinger!

jl neutralized fsociety with a 9mm SMG!

jl made a 4 kills streak.

fsociety arrested RIP!

GamerZHubert tased RIP with a Taser Stun Gun!

fsociety is arresting RIP...

fsociety beanbagged RIP with a Less Lethal Shotgun!

fsociety arrested jl!

fsociety is arresting jl...

fsociety beanbagged jl with a Less Lethal Shotgun!

fsociety beanbagged RIP with a Less Lethal Shotgun!

fsociety stung jl with a Stinger!

jl neutralized t00elitte with a 9mm SMG!

t00elitte killed RIP with a AK-47 Machinegun!

jl neutralized GamerZHubert with a 9mm SMG!

RIP neutralized fsociety with a Colt M4A1 Carbine!

RIP stung fsociety with a Stinger!

GamerZHubert: u guys are way too hot

RIP stung fsociety with a Stinger!

fsociety arrested jl!

fsociety is arresting jl...

GamerZHubert breached the RearStairwell - HallwayLevel1 Door!

t00elitte arrested RIP!

fsociety tased jl with a Taser Stun Gun!

t00elitte is arresting RIP...

fsociety tased jl with a Taser Stun Gun!

fsociety tased RIP with a Taser Stun Gun!

fsociety stung RIP with a Stinger!

fsociety team stung t00elitte with a Stinger!

t00elitte is arresting RIP...

GamerZHubert stung jl with a Stinger!

t00elitte tased RIP with a Taser Stun Gun!

RIP self-stung with a Stinger!

Kill Streak Reward: GamerZHubert's Ammo Refilled.

GamerZHubert arrested jl!

GamerZHubert is arresting jl...

50661 matching chats found.