Chat History

BlackBird: Bye... take care.

Knn!: legalább a saját neveddel játszál idiota

Knn! neutralized semavi with a 9mm SMG!

semavi arrested Knn!!

semavi is arresting Knn!...

semavi tased Knn! with a Taser Stun Gun!

Knn! breached the RearStairwell - HallwayLevel2 Door!

BANG! semavi made the first kill.

semavi arrested Knn!!

Zip! semavi made the first arrest.

semavi is arresting Knn!...

semavi tased Knn! with a Taser Stun Gun!

Knn! breached the Apt1LivingRoom - HallwayLevel1 Door!

Knn! stung semavi with a Stinger!

Knn!: szevasz bence

semavi: english

semavi: english

Knn!: mert mi a fasz vagy?

semavi: rurkish?

semavi: ?

Knn!: hi turkish

BlackBird: Hello there, my friend.

semavi: hi

semavi switched teams.

semavi connected to the server.

Round Ended!

Best long range kill: Knn! and 2 more - 0m

Player of the round: {FPL}KELLER

Highest accuracy: Audio(VIEW) and 2 more - 0%

Highest score: Knn! and 2 more - 0

Highest kill streak: Audio(VIEW) and 2 more - 0

Knn!: letz 1v1?

Knn! connected to the server.

{FPL}KELLER disconnected from the server.

BlackBird kicked {FPL}KELLER for idling.

{FPL}KELLER went into Idle Mode (AFK).

Audio(VIEW) joined the spectators.

Audio(VIEW) connected to the server.

{FPL}KELLER connected to the server.

Next Map: The Wolcott Projects in Barricaded Suspects.

Best long range kill: Macko - 5.76m

Highest score: Knn! - 18

Highest accuracy: {FPL}KELLER - 28%

Player of the round: Knn!

Suspects won the Round

Round Ended!

Highest kill streak: Knn! - 5

Audio joined the spectators.

Knn! disconnected from the server.

Knn! went into Idle Mode (AFK).

45628 matching chats found.