Chat History

jl killed {FPL}KELLER with a 9mm SMG!

jl killed Playe with a 9mm SMG!

jl made a 4 kills streak.

>|SS|<SARGENTO killed {FPL}KELLER with a GB36s Assault Rifle!


Playe stung jl with a Stinger!

jl killed Playe with a 9mm SMG!

jl killed >>PETER<< with a 9mm SMG!

>>PETER<< neutralized >|SS|<SARGENTO with a 9mm SMG!

BANG! jl made the first kill.

jl killed {FPL}KELLER with a 9mm SMG!

Suspects won the Round

Highest kill streak: jl - 5

Highest score: jl - 30

Player of the round: jl

Highest accuracy: jl - 10%

Most ammo fired: jl - 339

Round Ended!

{FPL}KELLER team stung Playe with a Stinger!

Kill Streak Reward: jl's Ammo Refilled.

jl killed {FPL}KELLER with a 9mm SMG!

>>PETER<< neutralized >|SS|<SARGENTO with a 9mm SMG!

jl killed Playe with a 9mm SMG!

jl made a 4 kills streak.

>|SS|<SARGENTO killed {FPL}KELLER with a GB36s Assault Rifle!

>|SS|<SARGENTO stung {FPL}KELLER with a Stinger!

{FPL}KELLER self-gassed with a CS Gas!

{FPL}KELLER self-gassed with a CS Gas!

jl killed Playe with a 9mm SMG!

Playe self-stung with a Stinger!

Playe neutralized >|SS|<SARGENTO with a 9mm SMG!

>>PETER<< arrested >|SS|<SARGENTO!

{FPL}KELLER arrested jl!

>>PETER<< is arresting >|SS|<SARGENTO...

{FPL}KELLER is arresting jl...

>>PETER<< tased >|SS|<SARGENTO with a Taser Stun Gun!

>>PETER<< stung >|SS|<SARGENTO with a Stinger!

{FPL}KELLER stung jl with a Stinger!

jl killed Playe with a 9mm SMG!

jl killed {FPL}KELLER with a 9mm SMG!

Kill Streak Reward: Playe's Ammo Refilled.

Playe neutralized >|SS|<SARGENTO with a 9mm SMG!

Playe made a 4 kills streak.

Playe betrayed {FPL}KELLER with a 9mm SMG!

>|SS|<SARGENTO killed {FPL}KELLER with a GB36s Assault Rifle!

Playe neutralized jl with a 9mm SMG!

Playe neutralized >|SS|<SARGENTO with a 9mm SMG!

>>PETER<< neutralized jl with a 9mm SMG!

jl killed {FPL}KELLER with a 9mm SMG!

jl killed >>PETER<< with a 9mm SMG!

44039 matching chats found.