Chat History
Highest score: fgh - 23
Highest kill streak: fgh - 4
Player of the round: fgh
Highest accuracy: fgh and 1 more - 12%
SWAT killed fgh with a .45 SMG!
fgh neutralized RIP with a 9mm SMG!
fgh made a 4 kills streak.
fgh neutralized SWAT with a 9mm SMG!
fgh neutralized SWAT with a 9mm SMG!
RIP: playing with this retart is imposible
fgh arrested RIP!
fgh is arresting RIP...
fgh neutralized SWAT with a 9mm SMG!
fgh flashed SWAT with a Flashbang!
fgh flashed RIP with a Flashbang!
fgh flashed RIP with a Flashbang!
RIP killed fgh with a Colt M4A1 Carbine!
fgh flashed SWAT with a Flashbang!
SWAT: gringo viado
Kill Streak Reward: fgh's Ammo Refilled.
SWAT: e tua mae aquela cachorra
fgh neutralized RIP with a 9mm SMG!
RIP: brasileiro viado
SWAT: fala direito porra
RIP: don you fucking see the colors?
Audio(SPEC): SWAT watch your fire
SWAT: o que
RIP: dude are u stupid?\
SWAT double crossed RIP with a .45 SMG!
SWAT killed fgh with a .45 SMG!
fgh neutralized RIP with a 9mm SMG!
RIP tased fgh with a Taser Stun Gun!
RIP stung fgh with a Stinger!
Audio joined the spectators.
fgh neutralized RIP with a 9mm SMG!
RIP is arresting fgh...
RIP killed Audio with a Colt M4A1 Carbine!
RIP stung fgh with a Stinger!
RIP self-stung with a Stinger!
RIP stung fgh with a Stinger!
Audio arrested SWAT!
Audio is arresting SWAT...
Audio tased SWAT with a Taser Stun Gun!
Kill Streak Reward: fgh's Health Healed.
fgh neutralized RIP with a 9mm SMG!
fgh neutralized SWAT with a 9mm SMG!
RIP killed Audio with a Colt M4A1 Carbine!
SWAT killed fgh with a .45 SMG!
SWAT killed Audio with a .45 SMG!
fgh neutralized RIP with a 9mm SMG!