Chat History

{FPL}KELLER disconnected from the server.

{FPL}KELLER: bb all

BlackBird: Bye... take care.

Player of the round: Audio

Highest accuracy: Audio - 23%

Best long range kill: {FPL}KELLER - 15.00m

Highest kill streak: {FPL}KELLER - 5

Swat won the Round

Highest score: Audio - 28

Round Ended!

jl(VIEW) switched teams.

Audio neutralized {FPL}KELLER with a 9mm SMG!

jl joined the spectators.

{FPL}KELLER killed Audio with a AK-47 Machinegun!

jl joined the game.

jl joined the spectators.

jl: but thats possible

Kill Streak Reward: {FPL}KELLER's Ammo Refilled.

{FPL}KELLER killed Audio with a AK-47 Machinegun!

{FPL}KELLER made a 4 kills streak.

jl: nah

Audio: I thought the server detected no recoil also

jl: cause he has no vertical recoilxd

{FPL}KELLER breached the Garage - GarageEntrance Door!

jl: he just laser u with ak

{FPL}KELLER killed Audio with a AK-47 Machinegun!

jl: wh is disabled here, so thats out


jl: but they have only no recoil

jl: idk how many more fpl players are

{FPL}KELLER breached the Hallways - FairfaxBedroom Door!

jl: alex and kris are also cheating

jl: hes not gonna get banned in if

{FPL}KELLER killed Audio with a AK-47 Machinegun!

jl: for what

Audio: try to get a video if you can

{FPL}KELLER breached the FamilyRoom - Garage Door!

jl: read teamchat

jl: audio

{FPL}KELLER killed Audio with a AK-47 Machinegun!

jl: like other 2 fpl players haha

jl: he has no recoil

jl: btw audio, keller is cheating


Audio self-gassed with a CS Gas!

jl joined the game.

jl(VIEW) switched teams.

{FPL}KELLER arrested Audio!

{FPL}KELLER is arresting Audio...

{FPL}KELLER stung Audio with a Stinger!

44039 matching chats found.