Chat History
{FPL}KELLER arrested Audio!
{FPL}KELLER is arresting Audio...
{FPL}KELLER beanbagged Audio with a Less Lethal Shotgun!
Audio: no way
{FPL}KELLER beanbagged Audio with a Less Lethal Shotgun!
Audio killed {FPL}KELLER with a Frag Grenade!
Audio killed {FPL}KELLER with a .45 SMG!
Audio made a 4 kills streak.
{FPL}KELLER arrested Audio!
{FPL}KELLER is arresting Audio...
Audio: bs
{FPL}KELLER beanbagged Audio with a Less Lethal Shotgun!
{FPL}KELLER breached the RearStairwell - HallwayLevel1 Door!
{FPL}KELLER beanbagged Audio with a Less Lethal Shotgun!
Audio killed {FPL}KELLER with a .45 SMG!
Audio killed {FPL}KELLER with a .45 SMG!
Zip! {FPL}KELLER made the first arrest.
{FPL}KELLER arrested Audio!
{FPL}KELLER is arresting Audio...
{FPL}KELLER beanbagged Audio with a Less Lethal Shotgun!
{FPL}KELLER stung Audio with a Stinger!
Alex disconnected from the server.
Audio double crossed Alex with a .45 SMG!
Audio killed {FPL}KELLER with a .45 SMG!
BANG! Audio made the first kill.
Player11 disconnected from the server.
Round Ended!
Suspects won the Round
Highest kill streak: Audio - 4
Highest score: Audio - 15
Player of the round: Audio
Most ammo fired: Audio - 71
Highest accuracy: Player11 - 23%
Player11 neutralized Audio with a AK-47 Machinegun!
Audio killed Player11 with a .45 SMG!
Alex connected to the server.
Audio arrested Player11!
Zip! Audio made the first arrest.
Audio is arresting Player11...
Audio tased Player11 with a Taser Stun Gun!
{FPL}KELLER went into Idle Mode (AFK).
Kill Streak Reward: Audio's Health Healed.
Audio killed Player11 with a .45 SMG!
Player11 neutralized Audio with a AK-47 Machinegun!
Player11 neutralized Audio with a AK-47 Machinegun!
{FPL}KELLER connected to the server.
Audio killed Player11 with a .45 SMG!
Player11 neutralized Audio with a AK-47 Machinegun!