Chat History
Kuroki stung {WRS}|H|unt_fitcoach with a Stinger!
Kuroki stung davidswat with a Stinger!
davidswat stung Kuroki with a Stinger!
davidswat: sr
Kill Streak Reward: jl's Ammo Refilled.
jl neutralized |IF|juju_1024 with a 9mm SMG!
davidswat stung jl with a Stinger!
jl neutralized davidswat with a 9mm SMG!
jl made a 4 kills streak.
jl neutralized {WRS}|H|unt_fitcoach with a 9mm SMG!
davidswat: esdcada
Kuroki neutralized davidswat with a 9mm SMG!
jl stung davidswat with a Stinger!
davidswat: yse hunt
jl neutralized {WRS}|H|unt_fitcoach with a 9mm SMG!
Kuroki: toma
Vote Failed! Fairfax Residence will Continue!
Kuroki neutralized davidswat with a 9mm SMG!
davidswat: yse men
davidswat: toma
jl: no
{WRS}|H|unt_fitcoach: GO WARRIORS SERVER
BlackBird: Hey {WRS}|H|unt_fitcoach.
{WRS}|H|unt_fitcoach: HI PING VERY LAG
30 Seconds Remaining! Vote Yes or No to change Map to Food Wall Restaurant.
davidswat killed Kuroki with a Suppressed 9mm SMG!
BANG! jl made the first kill.
jl neutralized {WRS}|H|unt_fitcoach with a 9mm SMG!
{WRS}|H|unt_fitcoach breached the Hallways - FairfaxBedroom Door!
davidswat breached the Laundry - Garage Door!
davidswat breached the Hallways - Laundry Door!
davidswat breached the FamilyRoom - FrontEntrance Door!
davidswat: No
davidswat voted No!
|IF|juju_1024 voted No!
|IF|juju_1024: no
Kuroki: yes
Kuroki voted Yes! (1 more votes needed)
jl voted Yes! (2 more votes needed)
jl started a Vote to Change Map to Food Wall Restaurant. Vote by typing Yes or No in Chat.
davidswat: como estas
jl connected to the server.
{WRS}|H|unt_fitcoach: HOLA
BlackBird: Hey {WRS}|H|unt_fitcoach. Long time no see!
davidswat: hola hunt
BlackBird: Hello there, my friend.
davidswat: sim
jl disconnected from the server.
Kuroki: hablas espanol?
davidswat: esse toma