Chat History
jl: not
Audio neutralized Tommy with a Suppressed 9mm SMG!
Tommy: liar
jl: heard u
jl neutralized Tommy with a 9mm SMG!
Tommy killed jl with a 9mm SMG!
Tommy killed jl with a 9mm SMG!
Audio breached the Hallways - FairfaxBedroom Door!
jl neutralized Tommy with a 9mm SMG!
Audio: he's in that room still
Audio: he moved from there. saw him in your dead cam
jl: the one u are next to
jl: hes near door camping
Kill Streak Reward: Tommy's Ammo Refilled.
Tommy killed jl with a 9mm SMG!
Tommy made a 4 kills streak.
Tommy killed Audio with a 9mm SMG!
jl breached the FamilyRoom - Garage Door!
jl breached the Garage - GarageEntrance Door!
Audio: he's towards our spawn somewhere
jl: saw u
jl: i leaned
Tommy: again
Tommy killed jl with a 9mm SMG!
Audio breached the Kitchen - BackPorch Door!
jl: keep calling me cheater ur free
Tommy killed Audio with a 9mm SMG!
jl: you're stupid
Tommy: stfu
Audio neutralized Tommy with a Suppressed 9mm SMG!
BANG! Audio made the first kill.
jl: i would still see u cause ur shadow goes through wall
jl: and even if
jl: and u moved to corner
jl: when u killed him near me
jl: even audio can tell that you're stupid
jl connected to the server.
Tommy connected to the server.
Audio connected to the server.
Next Map: Fairfax Residence in Barricaded Suspects.
Round Ended!
Swat won the Round
Player of the round: jl
Highest accuracy: jl - 12%
Highest score: jl - 18
Highest kill streak: jl - 9
Most ammo fired: jl - 285
jl: again ur bad
Tommy: idddiot
Tommy killed jl with a 9mm SMG!