Chat History
jl: y 1v1
him: boring
jl killed him with a Colt Python!
jl breached the Hallways - FairfaxBedroom Door!
jl killed him with a 9mm SMG!
BANG! jl made the first kill.
jl breached the Kitchen - BackPorch Door!
jl breached the DiningRoom - Kitchen Door!
jl connected to the server.
him: im so hungry thqt i eat too sandiches still hungry
him connected to the server.
him: money moyeeen
him: money moneeeey
Next Map: Fairfax Residence in Barricaded Suspects.
Round Ended!
Suspects won the Round
Highest accuracy: him - 13%
Player of the round: jl
Highest score: jl - 4
Most ammo fired: jl - 130
Highest kill streak: jl - 3
jl killed him with a 9mm SMG!
jl killed him with a 9mm SMG!
jl killed him with a 9mm SMG!
him neutralized jl with a Colt Python!
him beanbagged jl with a Less Lethal Shotgun!
jl killed him with a 9mm SMG!
BANG! jl made the first kill.
jl joined the game.
him connected to the server.
jl joined the spectators.
jl went into Idle Mode (AFK).
BlackBird kicked him for idling.
him disconnected from the server.
him went into Idle Mode (AFK).
jl connected to the server.
him connected to the server.
jl disconnected from the server.
Player disconnected from the server.
Round Ended!
Suspects won the Round
Most ammo fired: jl - 236
Highest kill streak: jl - 5
Player of the round: jl
Highest score: jl - 21
Highest accuracy: jl - 11%
Kuroki(VIEW) disconnected from the server.
Kill Streak Reward: jl's Ammo Refilled.
jl made a 4 kills streak.
jl killed Player with a 9mm SMG!