Chat History

him: bring him here

jl: i can just give u exe and u can

him: can u open new swat instance

jl: y

him: need one to try

jl: the one with pickllock

jl: prob ur infinite arresting is gone too

jl: ppl would ab=use it

jl: i mean known bugs are prob patched

him: bs

him: why removing

him: just for what

him: xd

jl: u wont do it

jl: anti bug measure

him: xd

him: come

jl connected to the server.

him connected to the server.

BlackBird updated the server settings.

BlackBird updated the server settings.

Next Map: The Wolcott Projects in Barricaded Suspects.

Highest score: jl - 7

him voted Yes! (0 more votes needed)

him: yes

Vote to Change Map to Food Wall Restaurant Passed!

Changing Map to Food Wall Restaurant.

Round Ended!

Suspects won the Round

Highest kill streak: jl - 2

Best long range kill: jl - 2.28m

Player of the round: jl

Highest accuracy: jl - 50%

him: yes

jl started a Vote to Change Map to Food Wall Restaurant. Vote by typing Yes or No in Chat.

jl voted Yes! (1 more votes needed)

jl: probably its anti measure or smth

him: votemap foodwall

him: hahaha

him: go

jl: its patchable tho

him: xd

him is arresting jl...

him is arresting jl...

jl self-stung with a Stinger!

him is arresting jl...

Zip! jl made the first arrest.

jl arrested him!

jl is arresting him...

jl beanbagged him with a Less Lethal Shotgun!

53759 matching chats found.