Chat History

him: haha

him: haha

jl: what

him: haha

jl killed him with a Colt Python!

him neutralized jl with a Colt Python!

him neutralized jl with a Colt Python!

Kill Streak Reward: him's Health Healed.

Kill Streak Reward: him's Ammo Refilled.

him neutralized jl with a Colt Python!

him made a 4 kills streak.

him neutralized jl with a Colt Python!

him: lol

him beanbagged jl with a Less Lethal Shotgun!

him beanbagged jl with a Less Lethal Shotgun!

him beanbagged jl with a Less Lethal Shotgun!

him neutralized jl with a Colt Python!

him neutralized jl with a Colt Python!

jl killed him with a Colt Python!

him neutralized jl with a Colt Python!

him: haha

jl killed him with a Colt Python!

jl beanbagged him with a Less Lethal Shotgun!

him neutralized jl with a Colt Python!

him neutralized jl with a Colt Python!

him neutralized jl with a Colt Python!

him breached the Laundry - Garage Door!

him breached the Garage - GarageEntrance Door!

him: hh

jl killed him with a Colt Python!

him neutralized jl with a Colt Python!

jl: y 1v1

him: boring

jl killed him with a Colt Python!

jl breached the Hallways - FairfaxBedroom Door!

jl killed him with a 9mm SMG!

BANG! jl made the first kill.

jl breached the Kitchen - BackPorch Door!

jl breached the DiningRoom - Kitchen Door!

jl connected to the server.

him: im so hungry thqt i eat too sandiches still hungry

him connected to the server.

him: money moyeeen

him: money moneeeey

Next Map: Fairfax Residence in Barricaded Suspects.

Round Ended!

Suspects won the Round

Highest accuracy: him - 13%

Player of the round: jl

Highest score: jl - 4

53759 matching chats found.