Chat History
Kill Streak Reward: Birb's Health Healed.
adm killed BlckBrd with a 9mm SMG!
Teams will be auto-balanced in 15 seconds.
Kill Streak Reward: Birb's Ammo Refilled.
Birb killed jl with a 9mm SMG!
Birb made a 4 kills streak.
Birb killed BlckBrd with a 9mm SMG!
BlckBrd neutralized |MYT|GaetanFr with a 9mm SMG!
{PVS}Kris disconnected from the server.
BlckBrd: B
adm gassed jl with a CS Gas!
adm gassed {PVS}Kris with a CS Gas!
|MYT|GaetanFr team stung adm with a Stinger!
{PVS}Kris: okey bb all
BlackBird: Bye... take care.
|MYT|GaetanFr killed {PVS}Kris with a 9mm SMG!
Birb killed BlckBrd with a 9mm SMG!
BANG! Birb made the first kill.
Birb killed jl with a 9mm SMG!
Audio disconnected from the server.
Suspects won the Round
Birb killed jl with a 9mm SMG!
{PVS}Kris neutralized Birb with a Suppressed 9mm SMG!
Round Ended!
Highest accuracy: Audio - 23%
Highest score: adm - 33
Player of the round: adm
Highest kill streak: Birb - 10
Most ammo fired: jl - 518
Audio self-stung with a Stinger!
adm stung Audio with a Stinger!
adm stung {PVS}Kris with a Stinger!
adm stung jl with a Stinger!
BlckBrd neutralized |MYT|GaetanFr with a 9mm SMG!
Birb killed {PVS}Kris with a 9mm SMG!
Kill Streak Reward: adm's Health Healed.
BlckBrd neutralized |MYT|GaetanFr with a 9mm SMG!
Birb killed Audio with a 9mm SMG!
|MYT|GaetanFr killed jl with a 9mm SMG!
adm self-gassed with a CS Gas!
|MYT|GaetanFr killed {PVS}Kris with a 9mm SMG!
Audio neutralized Birb with a 9mm SMG!
Audio made a 4 kills streak.
Birb killed BlckBrd with a 9mm SMG!
jl neutralized adm with a 9mm SMG!
adm is arresting {PVS}Kris...
adm tased {PVS}Kris with a Taser Stun Gun!
Audio neutralized |MYT|GaetanFr with a 9mm SMG!
{PVS}Kris neutralized Maxence(GaetanSon) with a Suppressed 9mm SMG!
|MYT|GaetanFr killed BlckBrd with a 9mm SMG!