Chat History

jl betrayed BlckBrd with a 9mm SMG!

jl neutralized adm with a 9mm SMG!

Audio neutralized Maxence(GaetanSon) with a 9mm SMG!

{PVS}Kris neutralized Birb with a Suppressed 9mm SMG!

jl neutralized |MYT|GaetanFr with a 9mm SMG!

jl: ignore him

Audio neutralized adm with a 9mm SMG!

adm killed BlckBrd with a 9mm SMG!

adm team stung |MYT|GaetanFr with a Stinger!

adm killed jl with a 9mm SMG!

adm stung jl with a Stinger!

Birb: i got like 10 kill streak, how is it no die?

BlckBrd neutralized Maxence(GaetanSon) with a 9mm SMG!

|MYT|GaetanFr: is impossible

Audio neutralized Birb with a 9mm SMG!

Audio claimed the bounty by killing Birb.

Maxence(GaetanSon) killed Audio with a Suppressed 9mm SMG!

BlckBrd neutralized |MYT|GaetanFr with a 9mm SMG!

BlckBrd: ah change bullets

jl neutralized Maxence(GaetanSon) with a 9mm SMG!

|MYT|GaetanFr: the man i kill before u i shot his head n10v times at least

{PVS}Kris: hi all

BlackBird: Hello {PVS}Kris. Good day to you.

{PVS}Kris connected to the server.

jl neutralized adm with a 9mm SMG!

|MYT|GaetanFr: not u again

adm killed Audio with a 9mm SMG!

BlckBrd: aim*

adm stung Audio with a Stinger!

BlckBrd: i m head, u always hit me in my legs

Birb killed jl with a 9mm SMG!

Birb is unbeatable! We will award you 2x kill points for ending their kill streak.

Birb is on a rampage with 10 kills streak!

|MYT|GaetanFr: again

|MYT|GaetanFr: see

Birb killed BlckBrd with a 9mm SMG!

Kill Streak Reward: Birb Equipped the Baby size.

|MYT|GaetanFr killed jl with a 9mm SMG!

BlckBrd neutralized |MYT|GaetanFr with a 9mm SMG!

jl neutralized adm with a 9mm SMG!

|MYT|GaetanFr: then u lean and kill me 1 bullet

Birb killed Audio with a 9mm SMG!

|MYT|GaetanFr: but my screen i shot him 30 bullets

Kill Streak Reward: Birb's Ammo Refilled.

Birb killed jl with a 9mm SMG!

Birb is on a 7 kills killing spree.

Birb killed BlckBrd with a 9mm SMG!

|MYT|GaetanFr: i was shoting to the other man running behind u

BlckBrd neutralized Maxence(GaetanSon) with a 9mm SMG!

jl neutralized adm with a 9mm SMG!

53996 matching chats found.