Chat History
jl switched teams.
jl switched teams.
Tommy: 357only
jl: worry about what
Tommy: v
>PETER< disconnected from the server.
>PETER<: ok bb thx all
BlackBird: Bye... take care.
Tommy: jl dont worry
Audio disconnected from the server.
jl: mhm
Tommy: g
Audio: have a good night
Audio: im all done for the night. getting late here
>PETER<: sry here ff lag
jl connected to the server.
Tommy connected to the server.
>PETER< connected to the server.
Audio connected to the server.
Tommy: of what
jl: of ur crying
Next Map: The Wolcott Projects in Barricaded Suspects.
jl: arent u tired
Tommy: lets play 357 only this is borring
Round Ended!
Swat won the Round
Player of the round: jl
Highest score: jl - 16
Highest accuracy: Audio - 20%
Best long range kill: Audio - 15.85m
Highest kill streak: Tommy and 1 more - 7
Tommy killed Audio with a 9mm SMG!
Audio neutralized >PETER< with a Suppressed 9mm SMG!
Tommy: lets play 357 only this is borring
jl neutralized >PETER< with a 9mm SMG!
jl is on a 7 kills killing spree.
jl neutralized Tommy with a 9mm SMG!
jl stung >PETER< with a Stinger!
jl stung Tommy with a Stinger!
Audio: sry
Audio team stung jl with a Frag Grenade! (Reversed)
Kill Streak Reward: jl's Ammo Refilled.
jl neutralized Tommy with a 9mm SMG!
jl neutralized >PETER< with a 9mm SMG!
jl made a 4 kills streak.
jl neutralized Tommy with a 9mm SMG!
Audio made a 4 kills streak.
Audio neutralized >PETER< with a Suppressed 9mm SMG!
>PETER< self-stung with a Stinger!
>PETER< stung jl with a Stinger!