Chat History
Audio: dude I watched you go there
jl neutralized Tommy with a 9mm SMG!
Tommy: love it how you can hear me
Audio arrested Tommy!
Zip! Audio made the first arrest.
Audio is arresting Tommy...
Audio tased Tommy with a Taser Stun Gun!
Audio stung Tommy with a Stinger!
Audio: behind dumpsters
Tommy killed Audio with a 9mm SMG!
jl: rats
Tommy killed Audio with a 9mm SMG!
Audio neutralized Tommy with a Suppressed 9mm SMG!
Audio neutralized Tommy with a Suppressed 9mm SMG!
jl neutralized Tommy with a 9mm SMG!
Kill Streak Reward: jl's Ammo Refilled.
jl neutralized Tommy with a 9mm SMG!
jl made a 4 kills streak.
Tommy killed Audio with a 9mm SMG!
jl: out
jl: hout
jl neutralized Tommy with a 9mm SMG!
Tommy killed Audio with a 9mm SMG!
Audio gassed Tommy with a CS Gas!
jl: spawn up
Audio neutralized Tommy with a Suppressed 9mm SMG!
Tommy killed Audio with a 9mm SMG!
jl neutralized Tommy with a 9mm SMG!
Tommy: sshit
jl neutralized Tommy with a 9mm SMG!
Tommy: liar radar
jl: you're camping
Tommy: pathetic
Tommy: you have that advantage and i still kill you
Audio neutralized Tommy with a Suppressed 9mm SMG!
Tommy: liar ear
Tommy: you have good ears
jl: u can crouch and move slow i can still hear idiot
Tommy killed jl with a 9mm SMG!
Tommy: yes
jl: not
Audio neutralized Tommy with a Suppressed 9mm SMG!
Tommy: liar
jl: heard u
jl neutralized Tommy with a 9mm SMG!
Tommy killed jl with a 9mm SMG!
Tommy killed jl with a 9mm SMG!
Audio breached the Hallways - FairfaxBedroom Door!
jl neutralized Tommy with a 9mm SMG!
Audio: he's in that room still